I am creature of habit. I like routines. Part of my daily routine, is before I go to bed I make sure I have a clean and pressed outfit laying out for the next day. So last night after I checked the weather for the next day ( an expected "cool" 90 degrees) I was in my closet trying to piece together something to wear. When suddenly I had a "wardrobe epiphany". Here I am living in South Carolina, a place where last year I was still wearing flip flops in December and it's expected to stay above 80 for the rest of the month, and 75% of my wardrobe is long sleeves/ sweaters/ cardigans.
A very disorganized closet |
I have a fair amount of dresses yes, but I have a thing about wearing a dress or skirt to class. I only really like to wear them in a non academic setting (downtown, weekend, chapter, football games, etc.) So I have come to the conclusion that I must either a) go shopping or b) my shopping behavior is subconsciously telling me that I need to move to a colder climate. Honestly I am leaning for towards option b, I just have to wait until graduation.
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